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JAC 12th Computer Science Model Set 1 Subjective

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JAC 12th Computer Science Model Set 1 Subjective
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JAC 12th Computer Science Model Set 1 : झारखंड बोर्ड class 12th के लिए मॉडल पेपर सेट 1 2023 जारी हो चुका है , आज कि इस आर्टिकल में हम Subjective Questions के pattern को देखेंगे कि किस तरह से प्रश्न आपके परीक्षा में पूछे जाएंगे, आर्टिकल को पूरा पढ़िए।

JAC 12th Computer Science Model Set 1 Subjective
JAC 12th Computer Science Model Set 1 Subjective

JAC : झारखंड बोर्ड ने class 12th बोर्ड परीक्षा के लिए computer science का model paper जारी कर दिया है यह मॉडल पेपर official नहीं है लेकिन इसी प्रकार से आपके बोर्ड परीक्षा में इसी pattern पर आपका Questions रहेंगे। इस आर्टिकल में हम सबसे पहले Question Pattern को देखेंगे , फिर हम Questions को देखेंगे और उसके उत्तर को भी देखेंगे। इसमे हम सिर्फ subjective Question का Discussion करेंगे।

JAC 12th Computer Science Model Set 1 Subjective – Overview

Name of OrganisationJharkhand Academic Council, Ranchi
CategoryModel Paper
ArticleJAC 12th Computer Science Model Set 1 Subjective
Question Type Subjective
Exam NameJAC inter Board Exam
Exam Date 12th14th March, 2023
Subject Computer Science
Official Websitehttps://jac.jharkhand.gov.in/jac/
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Computer Science Model Set 1 2023

झारखण्ड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद , रांची
वार्षिक परीक्षा 2022-2223
मॉडल प्रश्न पत्र सेट-1
Final Examination (2022-23)
Class – XII Subject – Computer Science
Time – 1.5 hrs. F. M. – 35

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Question numbers 1 to 7 (section A) are short answer type questions, carrying 1 marks each.
  • Question numbers 8 to 14 (section B) are also short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each.
  • Question numbers 15 to19 (section c) are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each.

Section A

1. Who has developed C++ Programming language?

 Ans. Bjarne Stroustrup

2. What is token in C++? 

Ans. A token is the smallest element of a program that is meaningful to the compiler. Tokens can be classified as follows: Keywords. Identifiers. Constants.

3. The process of finding the location of the particular element in the array is called. 

Ans. Searching 

4. What is DBMS? 

Ans. DBMS stands for “Database Management System.” It is a software system that allows users to create, store, retrieve, update, and manage data in a structured way. A DBMS provides an organized and secure way to store and manage data, and it allows multiple users to access and manipulate the data concurrently.

5. What is LIFO in stack? 

Ans. LIFO stands for “Last In, First Out” and it is a principle used in stack data structures. In a stack, new elements are added to the top of the stack, and the only element that can be removed is the most recently added one.

6.  What are the arithmetic operators in C++? 

Ans. C++ has several arithmetic operators that can be used to perform basic mathematical operations on numerical values. The main arithmetic operators in C++ are:

  • Addition (+): adds two values together
  • Subtraction (-): subtracts one value from another
  • Multiplication (*): multiplies two values together
  • Division (/): divides one value by another
  • Modulo (%): returns the remainder of a division operation

7. LAN stands for.

Ans. LAN Stands for Local Area Network. 

Section B

  1. Write the difference between data and information. 
    Ans. Data and information are related terms, but they refer to different things. Data refers to raw, unorganized, and unprocessed facts and figures, whereas information is processed data that has been organized, analyzed, and structured to make it meaningful and useful.
    Here are some key differences between data and information:
    Definition: Data refers to raw facts, figures, and statistics, whereas information refers to processed and organized data that has been analyzed and given meaning.
    Structure: Data is unstructured and lacks context, whereas information is structured, organized, and meaningful.
    Purpose: Data is collected for analysis, whereas information is used for decision-making and problem-solving.
    Presentation: Data is typically presented in a format that is difficult to understand, such as spreadsheets or databases, whereas information is presented in a format that is easy to understand, such as reports, dashboards, or visualizations.
    Value: Data is of limited value until it is processed and transformed into meaningful information, which has greater value for decision-making.
  2. What is unary operators in C++? 
    Unary operators in C++ are operators that take only one operand. They operate on a single operand to perform a specific task, such as incrementing or decrementing a variable’s value, changing its sign, or performing logical negation. The most commonly used unary operators in C++ are the increment (++) and decrement (–) operators, which add or subtract one from the variable’s value, respectively. Other unary operators in C++ include the unary minus (-), which changes the sign of a variable, and the logical not (!), which negates a Boolean expression.
  3. Write a program in C++ to find the sum of any two integers. 



void main( ) 
    int a, b, sum;
    cout << “Enter the first integer: “;     cin >> a;
    cout << “Enter the second integer:”;     cin >> b;
    sum = a + b;
    cout << “The sum of ” << a << ” and ” << b << ” is ” << sum << endl;
  getch ( );

11.  What is function overloading? 
Function overloading in C++ is a feature that allows multiple functions with the same name to exist in the same scope, as long as they have different parameter lists. When a function is called, the compiler determines which version of the function to call based on the number and types of arguments passed to it.
Here’s an example of function overloading in C++:


using namespace std;
int add(int a, int b) 
    return a + b;
float add(float a, float b) 
    return a + b;
int max(int a, int b) 
    return (a > b) ? a : b;
float max(float a, float b) 
    return (a > b) ? a : b;
int main() 
    int a = 5, b = 10;
    float c = 2.5, d = 3.7;
    cout << “Adding integers: ” << add(a, b) << endl;
    cout << “Adding floats: ” << add(c, d) << endl;
    cout << “Max of integers: ” << max(a, b) << endl;
    cout << “Max of floats: ” << max(c, d) << endl;
    return 0;

  1. What is DDL statement? Give example of some statements.
    DDL stands for Data Definition Language. It is a language used to define and manipulate the structure of a database. DDL statements are used to create, alter and delete database objects such as tables, views, schemas, and databases. Examples of DDL statements include:
    CREATE TABLE – used to create a new table ALTER TABLE – used to modify an existing table
    DROP TABLE – used to delete an existing table TRUNCATE TABLE – used to empty all data from a table CREATE INDEX – used to create an index on a table
    DROP INDEX – used to delete an index from a table
  2. What is Hub? Define. 
    Ans. A hub is a networking device that interconnects multiple computers or network devices together. It is commonly used to enable communication between different networks and to enable communication between different devices on the same network. Hubs contain multiple ports, which are used to connect a computer or another networking device to the hub. The hub is a simple, low cost, and easy to configure device that is used in both small and large networks. It is the most basic form of network switch and is used to connect multiple devices together on the same network. Hubs are essential for sharing data and resources on a network, such as printers and scanners.
  3. What is logic gates?
    Logic gates are electronic circuits that are used to process digital signals. They are the building blocks of digital electronics and allow for the manipulation of binary logic signals. Logic gates are composed of transistors and can be used to implement basic logic functions such as AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR. Logic gates are used in digital systems to perform basic operations such as deciding the output of the system based on the input signals. They are used extensively in computers, embedded systems, and digital signal processing (DSP) systems. They are also used in communication systems, control systems, and automation systems. Logic gates can be used to create logic circuits that can be used to solve complex problems.

Section C

15. What is array in C++? Explain its types.
An array in C++ is a data structure that stores a collection of elements of the same data type. Arrays are commonly used to store a collection of related values that can be accessed in a single variable. Arrays are indexed, which means that each element in the array is assigned a numerical index, and can be accessed using this index. Each element in the array is stored in a contiguous block of memory, which allows for efficient retrieval and manipulation of the data.

Types of Arrays –

One-dimensional arrays: One-dimensional arrays are the simplest type of array and are used to store a single list of elements. Each element is stored in a single row and each row has a unique index. The elements are typically accessed using this index, which is also referred to as the subscript. A one-dimensional array can be declared using a single line of code, and is often used to store data such as a list of names or numbers.

Two-dimensional arrays: Two-dimensional arrays are used to store data in a tabular form. This type of array is also known as a matrix and is composed of multiple rows and columns. Each row and column has its own unique index, and this allows the data to be organized in an organized manner. The elements in a two-dimensional array can be accessed using the row and column indices.

Multi-dimensional arrays: Multi-dimensional arrays are used to store data that has multiple layers of organization. This type of array is composed of multiple arrays, each of which has its own unique set of indices. Multi-dimensional arrays are often used to store data such as images or complex data structures. The elements in a multi-dimensional array can be accessed using multiples.

16. What is Class? Write a program using class in C++.
Class is a user-defined data type in C++ which allows the user to create their own data type. Classes are used to represent real-world things and situations and allow the user to combine data and functions into one unit.
Below is a simple program using classes in C++:


using namespace std;
class Student
private: string name; int age;
string address; public: Student(string n, int a, string ad)
name = n; age = a;
address = ad;
void printDetails()
cout << “Name: ” << name << endl;
cout << “Age: ” << age << endl; cout << “Address: ” << address << endl;
int main()
Student s1(“John”, 20, “123 Main Street”);
return 0;

17. What are difference between tuples and attributes.
Tuples and attributes are both used to store data in a relational database, but they differ in form and function.
A tuple is a single row in a table, representing a single instance of an entity. It is composed of attributes, which are the columns in a table. Each attribute contains a single value that describes a particular aspect of the entity. For example, a tuple in a customer table might have attributes like first name, last name, address, and phone number.
Attributes, on the other hand, are the individual pieces of data that make up a tuple. Each attribute describes an aspect of the entity represented by the tuple. Attributes are the columns in a table and are usually comprised of a single data type.
In conclusion, the main difference between tuples and attributes is that a tuple is a single row in a table, representing a single instance of an entity, while an attribute is a single piece of data that makes up the tuple.

18. Define Data types in C++. Explain different types of data types with examples.
C++ is a strongly typed language, meaning that every expression and variable has a type that determines how it behaves and is used.
The different types of data types in C++ can be classified as:

  1. Primitive Data Types: These are the basic types of data that are built into the language. Examples of primitive data types include int (for integers), float (for floating-point numbers), char (for single characters), and bool (for Boolean values).
  2. Derived Data Types: These are data types that are derived from the primitive data types. Examples of derived data types include arrays, pointers, references, and functions.
  3. User-Defined Data Types: These are data types that are created by the programmer. Examples of user-defined data types include classes, structs, and unions.

19. Write SQL commands for (a) to (d) on the basis of sports relation given below.


a) To display the names of all players in sports relation.
SELECT name FROM sports ;
b) To Display the name and game of the players whose games are cricket .
SELECT name, game FROM sports WHERE game=”cricket”;
c) To Show the name of the players in ascending order. 
SELECT name FROM sports ORDER BY name ASC;
d) To display the list of Sports relation whose are in football or basketball.
SELECT  * FROM sports WHERE game = ”football ” OR game = ”basketball”;

JAC 12th Computer Science Model Set 1 Subjective – FAQS

What is the Pattern of Computer Science Question Paper 2023?

All questions are compulsory.
Question numbers 1 to 7 (section A) are short answer type questions, carrying 1 marks each.
Question numbers 8 to 14 (section B) are also short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each.
Question numbers 15 to19 (section c) are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each.

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