JAC 12th English Core PYQs With Answer Ch1 My Mother At Sixty Six [Download Now]

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JAC 12th English Core PYQs With Answer Ch1 : JAC Board English Core(Flamingo) Chapter 1 We will discuss all the questions asked in the previous years, in this we will see the subjective questions and objective questions, so read these important questions and from this questions will be asked in your board exam, we will tell you According to marks wise question will also be provided soon.

JAC 12th English Core PYQs With Answer Ch1
JAC 12th English Core PYQs With Answer Ch1 My Mother At Sixty Six [Download Now]

रांची: झारखंड एकेडमिक काउंसिल ( JAC Board) कक्षा JAC 12th English Core (flamingo) Important Question के पिछले वर्षों के सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न (important Questions) आपको यहाँ पर बताए जा रहे है, जो बोर्ड परीक्षा 2024 के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है, अगर आप इन सभी प्रश्नों को याद कर लेते हो तो अवश्य ही आप JAC बोर्ड class 12th chemistry exam में अच्छे अंक प्राप्त कर सकते हो.विद्यार्थी इसका उत्तर स्वयं करें. ये सारे प्रश्न आपके परीक्षा (JAC 12th English Core PYQs Questions With Answers For Board Exams)में बार – बार पूछे जा रहे है. इसमें आपको सभी chapter का अलग-अलग पिछले 13 वर्षों के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न मिलेंगे. यानि 2010-2023 इसमें आपको ये भी बताया जा रहा है कि कौन से प्रश्न किस तरह से एवं कितने Marks के पूछे  जा रहें है.

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JAC 12th English Core PYQs With Answer Ch1 – Overview

🏢Name of the Organization Jharkhand Academic Council, Ranchi
🗂️CategoryEnglish Core PYQs
📜ArticleJAC 12th English Core PYQs With Answer Ch1
👨‍🎓Class 12th
📋Exam ModeOffline
📒StreamScience, Commerce & Arts
📑SubjectEnglish Core
📝Chapter1. My mother At Sixty Six
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JAC 12th English Core Chapter 1. Chapter Wise PYQs

Chapter 1. My Mother At Sixty Six

Q1. Read the following extract and answer the following questions- [JAC – 2012]
Driving from my parents home to
Cochin last Friday mornings.
I saw my mother beside me
Doze, open mouthed , her face like that
of a corpse and realised with paint
That see thought away and looked out at young
Tree’s spiriting , the merry child spilling
out of their homes.

A. Name the poem and the poet?
– My Mother At Sixty Six
Poet Name – Kamala Das
B. What did she notice wild her mother sat beside her?
She noticed that her mother was dozing with her mouth open.
C. What thoughts did she put away?
She thought away and looked out at young trees spiriting. They merry children out of their homes.

Q2. Read the following extract and answer the following questions- [JAC – 2014]
………I look again at her, wan, pale
as a late winter’s moon and felt that old
familiar ache , my childhood fear……

A. Name the poem and the poet?
Poem – My Mother At Sixty Six
Poet Name – Kamala Das
B. What did the mother look like?
The mother looked like the last winter.
C. What is the poet’s childhood fear?
The fear of ageing and ultimate death / separation.

Q3. Read the following extract and answer the following questions- [JAC – 2016]
…I saw my mother beside me
Doze, open mouthed , her face like that
of a corpse and realised with paint
That see thought away and looked outside…
A. Name the poem and the poet?
Poem – My Mother At Sixty Six
Poet Name – Kamala Das
B. What did the poet realise? Why was she said?
The poet realised that her mother was old.
C. Why did the poet look out?
The poet looked out as she doesn’t want to see the pain in her mother’s face.

Q4. Read the following extract and answer the following questions- [JAC – 2022]
Driving from my parent’s
Home to Cochin last Friday
Morning, I saw my mother,
Beside me
Doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that
Of a corpse and realised with pain.

A. The given extract is taken from the poem –
(1) Keeping Quiet
(2) My Mother at Sixty-six
(3) A Thing of Beauty
(4) A Roadside Stand
B. Where was the poet driving to ?
(1) Parent’s home
(2) Cochin airport
(3) Cochin markets
(4) Cinema hall

C. Who was sitting beside the poet ?
(1) Her daughter
(2) Her mother
(3) Her sister
(4) Her friend

Answer The Following Questions

Q1. Why does the poetess feel her old families ache and what is her childhood fear? [JAC – 2010]
The sight of her old mother’s corpse-like face arouses ‘that old familiar ache’ in her heart. Her childhood fear returns. The fear is that with ageing comes decays and death. Perhaps she herself may have to face all these things. This idea is quite painful and fearful to her.
Q2. What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet feel? [JAC-2011]
The sight of her mother’s corpse-like face makes the poet sad. It arouses’ that old familiar ache’ in poet’s heart. Her childhood fear returns. The fear is that with ageing comes decay and death. Ageing and decay are inevitable. No one can avoid them. Perhaps she herself may have to face all these things. This idea is quite painful and fearful to her.

Q3. Why was the mother compared to the ‘Late winter’s moon’ ? [JAC-2012]
The poet’s mother has been compared to the late Winter’s moon to bring out the similarity of ageing and decay The late winter moon looks hazy and obscure. It lacks shine and strength. The poet’s mother has an ‘ashen’ face resembling a corpse. She has lost her shine and strength of youth. The comparison reinforces the impact.
Q4. Why does the poetess smile at the time when she lives her elderly mother? [JAC- 2013]
The poetess smiles at the time when she leaves her elderly mother because was going and she was seeing off her mother.
Q5. What was the poet’s childhood fear?[JAC-2016, 2020]
The Poet’s Childhood fear to losing her mother.

Q6. What painful thought comes to the poets mind and how does she drive it away? [JAC-2018]
The poet sees the pale and corpse-like face of her mother her old familiar pain or the ache returns. The lifeless and faded face of her mother pains her heart. The old lady seems to be lost in her thoughts. The poet turns away her attention from her mother and looks outside. The world outside is full of life and activity. The trees seems running past. The children look happy and gay while moving of their homes in groups.
Q7. What does the poet realise with pain in the poems ‘‘my mother at sixty six’’? [JAC- 2019]
Ans. The poet realizes with pain in the poem “My Mother at Sixty Six” because the poet’s mother is in old age. She is dosingas old people do during the journey. She keeps her mouth open. Her face looked pale and faided like ash. Actually she is an image of dead as her ashes face looks like that of a corpse.

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