
JAC 12th Organic Chemistry Important Questions

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JAC 12th Organic Chemistry Important Questions: झारखण्ड बोर्ड कक्षा 12th सभी विद्यार्थियों के लिए Chemistry में Organic Chemistry सभी chemistry के पिछले वर्षो में जो भी प्रश्न पूछे गए हैं, उनकी चर्चा हम इसमें करेंगे तो इन Important Questions को पढ़ लीजिए.

JAC 12th Organic Chemistry Important Questions
JAC 12th Organic Chemistry Important Questions

रांची: झारखंड एकेडमिक काउंसिल ( JAC Board) कक्षा 12th( JAC 12th Organic Chemistry Important Questions ) के पिछले वर्षों के Organic Chemistry के सभी Chapter सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न (important Questions) आपको यहाँ पर बताए जा रहे है, जो बोर्ड परीक्षा 2023 के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है. अगर आप इन सभी प्रश्नों को याद कर लेते हो तो अवश्य ही आप JAC Board class 12th Chemistry exam 2023 में अच्छे अंक प्राप्त कर सकते हो.

विद्यार्थी इसका उत्तर स्वयं करें। ये सारे प्रश्न आपके परीक्षा (JAC 12th Organic Chemistry Important Question For Board Exams)में बार – बार पूछे जा रहे है। इसमें आपको Organic Chemistry के सभी chapters पिछले 16 से 17 वर्षों के important questions मिलेंगे। यानि 2006-2022 इसमें आपको ये भी बताया जा रहा है कि कौन से प्रश्न किस तरह से एवं कितने marks के पूछे जा रहें है…

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JAC 12th Organic Chemistry Important Question – Overview

Name of OrganisationJharkhand Academic Council Ranchi
CategoryAll Important Question
ArticleJAC 12th Chemistry All Important Questions
Question TypesPrevious Year & Important Questions
TopicOrganic Chemistry
ChapterAll Chapters
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परीक्षा की बेहतरीन तैयारी करने के लिए कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बातें को ध्यान में रख कर पढ़ाई करें , ये बातें कुछ इस प्रकार हैं –

  • Study Schedule बनाएं: एक Study schedule बनाए ताकि आप जेएसी(JAC Board) 12वीं रूटीन 2023 की सहायता से पहले ही पूरा syllabus कवर कर सके, परीक्षा से पहले syllabus को पूरा करने से revision के लिए पर्याप्त समय मिलेगा.
  • Short Notes बनाएं: विषयों को important points में सारांशित करके छोटे notes बनाने से Revision भाग को आसान बनाने में मदद मिलेगी, इसके अलावा छात्र विषयों का रिवीजन करने के लिए हर जगह भारी पाठ्य Books ले जाने से बच सकते हैं.
  • परीक्षा से पहले पूरा करें Syllabus : 12वीं के syllabus का पता होना छात्रों के लिए important है क्योंकि इससे महत्वपूर्ण विषयों, परीक्षा की अवधि और अंकन योजना के बारे में जानकारी मिलती है. छात्रों को सलाह दी गई है कि वे 12वीं Routine 2023 जारी होने से पहले पाठ्यक्रम को पूरा कर ले।
  • पिछले साल के प्रश्नपत्रों को हल करें :पिछले साल के 12वीं के प्रश्न पत्री का अभ्यास करना परीक्षा को सफलतापूर्वक पास करने की कुंजी है, तैयारी के स्तर का आत्म विश्लेषण करने के लिए छात्रों को सभी subjects के प्रश्न पत्रों का revision करना चाहिए, इसके अलावा यह students को समय प्रबंधन सीखने और गणना की गति में सुधार करने में भी help कर सकता है.
  • नियमित रूप से करें: रिवीजन अध्ययन के समय के साथ-साथ छात्रों को रिवीजन के लिए कुछ समय बचाना चाहिए, रिवीजन से छात्र को लंबे समय तक तथ्यों को याद रखने में मदद मिलेगी बोर्ड 10वीं की परीक्षा तिथि 2023 जारी होने के बाद रिवीजन के लिए अधिकतम समय निकालें।

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JAC 12th Organic Chemistry Previous years Important Questions –

Q1. Write down the structure of isomeric amins having molecular formula C3H9N. (2006)
Q2. Write reactions and conditions for the following conversion: (2006)
a) Ethanol into ethylene
b) Acetic Acid into ethanol
Q3. How would you convert the following : (2006)
a) Nitrobenzene into Iodobenzene
b) aniline into sulphonilic acid
c) ethylamine into ethanol.
Q4. How would you convert ethylene into aldehyde ? (2006)
Q5. How would you distinguish between acetaldehyde and acetone ? (2006)

Q6. How you will convert chlorobenzene into aniline. (2007)
Q7. Give some examples of interhalogen compounds . (2007)
Q8. Bring out the following conversions : (2007)
a) Acetaldehyde to Acetone
b) formaldehyde to ethyl alcohol
c) acetic acid to formaldehyde
Q9. How does diethyl Ether react with the following : (2007)
a) PCl5
b) HI
Q10. Write reaction and condition of the following conversions : (2007)
a) Benzene to Phenol
b) Methanol to Ethanol

Q11 . Write one isomer of acetic acid. (2008, 2016)
Q12. Write structure and formula of isomeric alcohols having molecular formula C3H8O. (2008)
Q13. What happens when, explain with reactions: (2008)
a) Nitrobenzene is heated with a mixture of conce. nitric acid and Sulphuric acid
b) ethyl isocyanide reduced with LiAlH4.
c) Bromine water is added to an aqueous solution of Phenol.
Q14. How will you carry out the following conversions : (2008)
a) Acetic acid to methylamine
b) Acetaldehyde to methane
c) Phenol to aniline
Q15.a) What are interhalogen compounds? Give two examples. (2008)
b) What are Freons ? Give two examples. (2008)
c) What happens when SiO2 is treated with HF. (2008)

Q16. Write chemical reactions for : (2009)
a) sodium hypochlorite react with ammonia
b) nitric acid react with phosphine
Q17. Red chemical reaction for the method by which acetone is prepared in the laboratory.(2009)
Q18. What happen when explain with reaction (2009)
a) formaldehyde react with NH3
b) aniline reacts with bromine water

Q19. How will you carry out the following conversions?(2009)
a) Ethylalcohol to acetone
b) acetaldehyde to methyl amine
c) Phenol to nitrobenzene
Q20. Hydrocarbon(A) with molecular formula c8h8 gave the following reaction.
a) on shaking with bromine a promo derivative (B) C8H8Br was formed.
b) Vigorous oxidation of the hydrocarbon with alkaline KMnO4 gave a monobasic acid(C).
c) Acid C on distillation with sodalime gave C6H6.
Deduce the structure of (A), (B) and c and write reaction involved.(2009)

Q21. Write the structural formula of N, N-diethyl butane-1-amine. (2010)
Q22. Write a chemical reaction in which iodide ion replaces diazonium group in a diazonium salt. (2010)
Q23. What happens when iodine is treated with Conc. H2SO4? (2010)
Q24. Give the equations for the following : (2010)
a) Hofmann bromamide degradation reaction
b) Aniline treated with bromine water
c) Benzene diazonium chloride treated with fluoroboric acid followed with heating.
Q25. Explain Aldol Condensation and Canaizaro reaction . (2010)

Q26. Why does react with dilute H2SO4 but copper does not ? (2011)
Q27. a) Carbon tetrachloride is used as a fire extinguisher since …………….liquid. (2011)
b) Benzene diazonium chloride is formed when…………..is treated with aqueous sodium nitrite and hydrochloric acid. (2011)
Q28. What happens when :
a) Ethyl chloride is treated with aqueous KOH.
b) chloroform is treated with Ag powder (with equation in each case).
Q29. Sodium- bisulfite is used for the purification of aldehydes and ketones. Explain with example. (2011)
Q30. Write balanced equation for the following : (2011)
a) NaCl is heated with conc. Sulfuric acid in the presence of MnO2.
b) Chlorine gas is passed into a solution of NaI in water.

Q31. Give the principle with equation for the manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process. Write the test of SO4²-. [2011]
Q32. What is the common group in both aldehydes and Ketone? In what respects acetaldehyde resembles and differs with acetone give one reaction for each. (2011)
Q33. Suggest for the following conversions: (2011)
a) Ethyl alcohol to acetone
b) Acetone to mesitylene
c) Acetic acid to ethyl alcohol
Q34. Write balanced equation for the following : (2012)
a) NaCl is heated with Sulphuric acid in the presence of MnO2.
b) Iodine is treated with concentrated HNO3.
Q35. Give the example for each of the following reaction : (2012)
a) Kolbe reaction ( 2008)
b) Reimer-Tiemann reaction.

Q36. Write a short note on the following:(2012)
a) Hoffman’s bromamide (2010, 2018)
b) Diazotisation.
Q37. What happens when: (2012)
a) Toluene is treated with conc HNO3 and H2SO4.
b) Nitroethane is boiled with dilute HCl.
Q38. a) what is ammonolysis of ester? (2012)
b) How will you convert acetaldehyde to acetamide and methanol to acetic acid? (2012)
Q39. What do you mean by – (2013)
a) Chromyl chloride test and
b) Actinides
Q40. Write any two differences between CH3OH and C2H5OH. (2013, 2016)

Q41. What happens when phenol react with NaOH and dilute HNO3. (2013, 2016)
Q42. Giving equations describe preparation of iodoform in laboratory . What happens when iodoform is heated with Ag powder. (2013)
Q43. What happens when – (2013)
a) Aniline reacts with Br2 water.
b) Benzene diazonium chloride is reacted with HCl in the presence of Cu.
c) Acetamide is reacted with LiAlH4 in presence of ether.
Q44. What happens when- (2013)
a) Acetaldehyde reacts with NH2OH?
b) Acetone reacts with NH2—NH2?
c) Formic acid reacts with conc. H2SO4?
d) Acetic acid reacts with Cl2 in presence of red P?
e) Calcium acetate is heated?

Q45. How will you bring about the following conversions? (2014, 2016)
a) Propene to Propan-2-ol
b) Benzyl chloride to Benzyl alcohol
c) Ethyl magnesium bromide to 2-methylpropan-2-ol
Q46. Write down the structural formula of a primary alkyl halide. (2014)
Q47. Which compound is obtained on oxidation of secondary alcohol ? (2014)
Q48. Write down the IUPAC name of PhCH2CH2COOH. (2014)
Q49. How will you bring about the following transformation? (2014)
a) Propanone to Propene
b) Benzoic acid to benzaldehyde
c) Ethanol to 3-hydroxy butanol
d) Benzaldehyde to 3-phenyl propan-1-ol
e) Benzoic acid to m-nitrobenzyl alcohol
Q50. Distinguish between the following with the help of two chemical reactions – (2014, 2016)
a) Propanal and Propanone
b) Phenol and benzoic

Q51. Distinguish between the following with the help of one chemical reaction – (2015)
a) Chlorobenzene and benzyl chloride
b) Chlorobenzene and benzyl chloride
Q52. Write down the number of 1° amines having molecular formula C4H11N(only structural isomers). (2015)
Q53. Aniline is a weaker base than ethyl amine. Explain. (2015)
Q54. How will you bring about the following transformation? (2015)
a) Butan-2-ol to Butanoic acid
b) Bromobenzene to Benzoic acid
c) Benzyl alcohol to phenyl ethanoic acid
d) Cyclohexene to Hexane 1,6- dioic acid
e) 1- Propanol to Propanal
Q55. Write short note on the following :-
a) Aldol condensation (2010, 2015)
b) Cannizzaro reaction (2010, 2015)

Q56. Complete the following reactions :- (2016)
a) CH3CHO + NH2OH →
b) C6H5NH2 + Bromine water →
Q57. How will you bring the following transformation: (2016)
a) Acetic acid to Acetone
b) Acetaldehyde into lactic acid
c) Acetone to iodoform
Q58. Explain the following reaction with an example in each case :
a) Sandmeyer’s reactions (2017, 2019)
b) Diazotisation reactions (2012, 2017)
Q59. Give reasons for the following : – (2017)
a) Phenol is more acidic than ethanol.
b) O- and P- nitrophenols are more acidic than phenol.
Q60. How will you bring out the following conversions?(2017)
a) Chlorobenzene to p-nitrophenol
b) 2-Bromopropane to 1-bromopropane
c) Aniline to phenyl isocyanide

Q61. Give two chemical tests distinguish between the following : (2017)
a) Methyl acetate and ethyl acetate .
b) Benzaldehyde and benzoic acid.
Q62. How will you give about the following transformations? (2018)
a) Ethyl alcohol to Ethyl chloride
b) Acetylene to Acetaldehyde
c) Aniline to Benzene diazonium chloride
Q63. Write short notes on the following: (2018)
a) Carbylamine reaction
b) Gattermann reaction)
Q64. How will you bring about the following transformations?(2019)
a) Methyl alcohol to methyl iodide
b) Ethyl bromide to Benzyl cyanide
c) Benzyl bromide to Methyl iodide
Q65. Write short notes on Stephen reactions. (2019)

Q66. Give the principles involved in the manufacturers of nitric acid by ostwald process how does concentrated HNO3 reacts with (a) C and (b) I . (2019)
Q67. What is the three letter symbol of amino acid , Proline ?(2020)
Q68. What happens when: – (2022)
a) Acetaldehyde is treated with hydrazinc.
b) Ethyl iodide is reacts with alcoholic KOH solution.

Q69. How will you bring about the following transformation? (2020)
a) Nitrobenzene to Aniline
b) Formaldehyde to methyl alcohol
c) Propanone to Tri-iodomethane
Q70. Write the short notes on the following: (2020)
a) Clemmensen Reduction
b) Wurtz Reaction
c) Hell-Volhard Zelinsky

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यह Previous years का पेपर 2006 से 2020 तक का है।

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2022 में 80% प्रश्न मॉडल सेट के अंदर से ही पूछे गए थें, तो इस बार भी ऐसे ही पूछे जाएँगे।

Previous year Question Paper क्यों जरूरी हैं?

यह इसलिए जरूरी हैं क्योकि ये सारे प्रश्न आपके परीक्षा में बार – बार पूछे जा रहे है। इसमें आपको ये भी बताया जा रहा है कि कौन से प्रश्न किस तरह से एवं कितने marks के पूछे जा रहें है.

यह Organic Chemistry कौन -कौन से Chapters का है?

यह Organic chemistry में सबसे पहले Haloalkanes and Haloarenes जो कि chapter 10 से है, Alcohol, Phenol and Ether जो कि chapter 11 से हैं , Aldehyde ketone and carboxylic acid जो कि Chapter 12 से है तथा Amines Chapter 13 का इसमें मिश्रित Important Questions हैं ।

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Conclusion :-

उम्मीद करते हैं या आर्टिकल(JAC 12th Organic chemistry Important Questions ) आपको पसंद आया होगा अगर आया हो तो कृपया करके अपना प्यारा सा कंमेंट नीचे कर दे उसके साथ ही अधिक अपडेट जानने के लिए हमारे टेलीग्राम ग्रुप में ज्वाइन कर ले.


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